Broomfield Seed Library

Please note, the Seed Library will be open for use beginning Saturday, April 23, but you don’t have to wait to become a Seed Library member! Fill out your Membership Form today!
Seed Library FAQ
What is the Seed Library?
The Seed Library is a collection of seeds that you can borrow from to grow at home.
Where will the Seed Library be located?
The Seed Library will be on the second floor of the Broomfield Library at 3 Community Park Rd, Broomfield CO, 80020 (look for the old card catalog!).
How do I join the Seed Library?
Fill out this form just once to join the Seed Library. This information will be used to track your seed check-outs, and you will be sent a short survey at the end of each growing season.
What kind of seeds do you have?
Our seed collection depends on donations and seasonality. You’ll see different seeds available at different times, so check in frequently to see what fruit, vegetable, herb, and ornamental seeds are available.
How do I check out seeds?
After you have joined the Seed Library, check-out is simple.
- Find the seed you like
- Fill in your name and the date on the tear-off stub on the back of the envelope
- Tear off the completed stub and drop it in the check-out box.
*Each member may check out up to five seed packets per season.
Do I have to return seeds?
There is no obligation to save and return seeds, especially if you’re new to seed saving. As you grow as a gardener and a seed saver, we hope that you will consider sharing your seeds with the Seed Library community. If you’re ready to learn how to save your own seeds, check out the collection of resources below, and keep an eye out for seed-saving workshops offered throughout the season.
How do I donate seeds?
We are grateful for donations of locally-saved, non-hybrid seeds! These seeds have been tried, tested, and improved to do well in our unique environmental conditions. To donate saved seeds:
- Collect and clean seeds from your crops, and set aside some for yourself and some for the Seed Library.
- Place seeds in an envelope or other container, and clearly label with as much information as possible. Use this seed donation card as a guide, or pick one up from the Seed Library.
- Drop your labeled seeds off at the Broomfield CSU Extension Office (first floor of the Broomfield Library), Monday – Thursday, 9am – 1pm.
What about leftover seed packets that I bought in a store?
While these seeds will not be used in the Seed Library, they can be used for educational programs and at the annual Community Seed Swap. These seeds can be brought to the CSU Extension Office Monday – Thursday, 9am – 1pm, or hang onto your seeds and bring them directly to the next Community Seed Swap! Please keep store bought seeds in their original packaging.
Seed Saving Resources
CSU Extension Fact Sheet 7.602 Saving Seed
CSU Extension Fact Sheet 7.221 Storing Vegetable and Flower Seeds
CSU CO-Horts Blog: Saving Seed